1. Understanding of Basic Principles of Public International Law
- Definition of Public International Law: Understand its nature as the legal system governing relations between states, international organizations, and, in certain cases, individuals.
- Sources of International Law (Article 38 of the ICJ Statute):
- Treaties
- Customary international law
- General principles of law
- Judicial decisions and scholarly writings (subsidiary sources)
- Opinio juris and state practice for customary law development.
2. Familiarity with Key Legal Doctrines
- Sovereignty of States: Absolute vs. relative sovereignty, and limitations imposed by international law.
- Pacta Sunt Servanda: Treaties must be honored and performed in good faith.
- Jus Cogens Norms: Non-derogable norms, e.g., prohibition of genocide, torture, slavery, and aggression.
- Erga Omnes Obligations: Duties owed to the international community as a whole.
3. Key International Law Cases
Familiarize yourself with landmark cases and their legal principles:
- ICJ Corfu Channel Case (1949): Obligation of states not to allow their territory to be used for harmful acts against other states.
- Lotus Case (1927): Sovereignty and the permissibility of state actions unless explicitly prohibited by international law.
- Barcelona Traction Case (1970): Concept of erga omnes obligations.
4. Knowledge of Treaties and Conventions
- Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969): Rules on treaty formation, interpretation, and termination.
- Geneva Conventions: Laws of war and humanitarian protections.
- UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea): Maritime zones and rights.
5. Human Rights and International Organizations
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): Foundational principles of human rights law.
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) & ICESCR: Key human rights treaties.
- United Nations System: Understanding of the roles of the UNGA, UNSC, and ICJ.
6. Laws on the Use of Force and Conflict
- UN Charter (Chapter VII): Rules on collective security and use of force.
- Self-defense (Article 51): Conditions under which self-defense is permissible.
- International Humanitarian Law: Principles of proportionality, necessity, distinction, and humanity in armed conflicts.
7. Key Legal Concepts
- Diplomatic Immunity: Rules under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
- State Responsibility: Principles governing state accountability for internationally wrongful acts.
- Jurisdiction Types: Territorial, personal, universal, and protective jurisdiction.
8. Analytical Skills and Question-Solving Techniques
- Identify Key Terms: Focus on words like “jus cogens,” “self-defense,” “treaty,” etc., to understand the core of the question.
- Understand Exceptions: Pay attention to exceptions in rules, such as humanitarian intervention or derogations from certain treaties.
- Practice Past Questions: Familiarity with question patterns can improve confidence and speed.